Cupping Product/拔罐类

Home Page Needles Container Magnetic Pellet /各类磁珠 Moxa Products/艾灸类 TDP/Infrared Lamp/理疗神灯/红外灯 Scale/称 Electro-Therapy Device/数码经络治疗仪 Heating Unit/Hot Pad/加热箱/冷热敷带 Exam Paper,Sheet,Mask,Cotton Ball Massage Products/按摩器材 Cart/Chair/医用转椅/小推车 Cushion/Bolsters /Wedges/軟墊/胸垫 Exam Gown/Cape长短一次性病人衣服 Cap Filler/Bag/Gun/ Dry Pack/干燥剂 /装中成药设备 Empty Btl/Cutter/Cooker/空药瓶/切药瓶/煮药壶 S/St Instrument Tray /Jars/不锈钢盘/医用玻璃罐 Forceps/Scissors  Models Chart/模型类 Books /Chart/书/人体挂图/类 Cupping Product/拔罐类 Stethoscope/Blood Pressure /听诊器/血压计 Timer/医用定时器  Alcohol/Sponge/Iodine/Bandage General Supplies Essential Oil To Order Herbal Supplies/中成药部分 Herbal Supplies/中成药部分 Herbal Supplies/中成药部分 Herbal Supplies/中成药部分

Glass Cupping Jar Set -古老的东方疗法 刮痧拔罐 病好一半

Item#200-1200 Price: $17.50/set Packing: 5pcs/set External diameter  

X small  1.5” dia x 1 Small     1.9” dia x 1 Medium 2.2” dia x 1

Large     2.6” dia x 1 X large  3.0” dia x 1 Max Treatment time: 10-15 minutes.


Bamboo Cupping Set  竹火罐(皮肤渗透疗法

Item#200-1270 Price: $9.95/set Packing: 3pcs/set  50/c

Small  1.4” dia Medium 2.0” dia Large  2.5” dia Max Treatment time: 10-15 minutes 


Glass Cupping Jars/Flat Top  带平顶薄壁玻璃火罐-古老的东方疗法  刮痧拔罐 病好一半

Item#200-1220 $3.00/ea 12/box    #1(1.5”) (Ext S) 120/c

Item#200-1230 $3.20/ea 12 /box   #2 (1.9”) (Small) 96/c

Item#200-1240 $3.50/ea 12 /box    #3 (2.2”)  (Med) 72/c

Item#200-1250 $4.00/ea 12 /box   #4 (2.6”)  (Large) 48/c

Item#200-1260 $4.50/ea 12/box    #5 (3.0”)   (XL) 48/c

Flat top design allows you to rest the jar After cleaning to keep the rim clean. Sold by box only


Pistol Hand Pump Cupping Set Hansol Bu-Huang Brand/

Item#200-1300 Price: $45.00/set      Packing: 17pcs/set        10/c   Made in Korea.  


Hand pump               $18.00/ea  Item##200-1310  Extension tube/cord  $8.00/ea    Item##200-1320

Rubber tip                 $6.00/ea    Item##200-1330  Plastic cup#1, 2.0”    $1.50/ea   Item# #200-1340

Plastic cup#2, 1.8”    $1.50/ea    Item##200-1350   Plastic cup#3, 1.5”    $1.50/ea  Item# #200-1360

Plastic cup#4, 1.3”    $1.50/ea    Item##200-1370   Plastic cup#5, 1.0”    $1.50/ea  Item#  #200-1380


Pistol Hand Pump Magnetic Cupping Set Acupoint Brand/南韓產

Item#200-1390 Price: $52.00/set       10/c Packing: 17pcs/set   Made in Korea.                      

Hand pump               $18.00/ea    Item#200-1400 Extension tube/cord  $8.00/ea     Item#200-1410

Rubber tip                 $6.00/ea      Item#200-1420 Plastic cup#1, 2.0”    $1.50/ea     Item#200-1430

Plastic cup#2, 1.8”    $1.50/ea      Item#200-1440  Plastic cup#3, 1.5”    $1.50/ea    Item#200-1450

Plastic cup#4, 1.3”    $1.50/ea      Item#200-1460  Plastic cup#5, 1.0”    $1.50/ea    Item#200-1470

Dong bang-Acuzone same dia. Hansol bu-huang-Acupoint same dia    


Hai Ci”  Wu Xin Magnetic Needle Set 哈慈五行针

Item#200-1280 Price: $45.00/set Packing: 8cups/set 4 blue biosouth(+) 4 red bionorth(-), includes

carry case, with or without skin lotion(to enhance suction) and 2 each of following

diameter ups:0.5”,0.9”,1.1” and 1.3” each cup

Includes a strong 2300 gauss magnet. Color Coded Squeeze bulb plastic suction cups for

Easy identification. Max Treatment time: 10-15 minutes.


Micro Cup-with Pump 微型拨罐器 Item#200-1290 Price: $29.00/set Packing: 1set

A powerful suction set commonly used for removing snake, bee sting and insect bite poisons.

Set may also be used for micro cupping to Acupuncture points or even petechimeter testing.

One hand operation-suction is created by thrusting the plunger downward. Include

1.0”,0.8”, 0.5”x0.8” oval, and 0.5” or 0.2” dia cups, wipes, band-aids, and carrying case.
