Human and Animals Body Model/Chart/人体和动物模型

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Model of Human Body/Male or Female 男/女人体针灸模型 Price: $25.00/pc 10/c  Packing: 1pc

Item#200-4600    Male   20”/50cm  Item#200-4610   Female 19”/48cm

Male or female Soft plastic Material   A reference Book  (Chinese & English) included.

Bases for Models May vary.


Model of Human Body 33”(84cm)/Man 落地式男人针灸模型-大 Price: $99.00/pc Packing: 1pc  4/case 


Size: large  Showing approximately 360 acupuncture Points & Meridians.

Half Of the model shows the muscle structure. fiber glass Material,Ideal for Teaching aids.

A Reference book(Chinese & English) and a wooden display stand is included. Bases for models may vary.


Gold Color Body Male Model/27”/68cm 镀铜粉男人体针灸模型 Price: $89.00/pc  Packing: 1pc  6/case


Made of plastic for easytransportation. Gold plated with plastic base. Chinese names

andalphanumeric point code, perfect For clinic display.  weight: 11 lbs 


Model of Hand/5”/13cm手针灸模型 Item#200-4640 Price: $12.00/pc Packing: 1pc

Plastic model of Hand showing chinese Names and alphanumeric

Point code, A reference Book (Chinese & English) included.


Model of Foot/5”/13cm 足针灸模型 Item#200-4650 Price: $12.00/pc Packing: 1pc

Plastic model of Foot showing Chinese Names and Alphanumeric Point code, A reference book

(Chinese & English)included


Model of Head/9”/22cm  头针灸模型 Item#200-4660  Price: $22.00/pc Packing: 1pc

Fiber glass material showing chinese Names And alphanumeric point Code,

A reference book (Chinese & English) Included.


Model of Ear/small/large 耳针灸模型 Item#200-4670 Price: $12.00/ea  Packing: 1/box

Size: 13cm/5” W/O base(S)

Item#200-4680 Price: $16.00/ea Packing: 1/box

Size: 22cm/8.5”H x 5” W/base (L)

Plastic material Showing Chinese Names And alphanumeric point Code, A

reference book (Chinese & English) Included. Bases for Models may vary.


Model of Dog, Cat, Pig, Cow, Horse 动物针灸模型-陈列品

Item#200-4700  Dog(11”x11”) Price: $39.00 

Item#200-4710 Cat Price: $39.00/ea (7”)

Item#200-4720  Pig Price: $39.00/ea

Item#200-4730   Cow(10”x6”) Price: $39.00

Item#200-4740 Horse(10”x10”) Price: $39.00

Made of soft plastic mounted on A wooden base.